Friends of Webb Shadle Public Library Mission Statement
The Friends of the Webb Shadle Public Library is a 501c3 organization that supports our community library by promoting citizen involvement in library activities and literacy and by striving to provide and improve its services and resources.

Libraries need Friends – it’s just that simple. In fact, across America many public libraries were established through the efforts of community members who understood the value of libraries to their communities and also understood that libraries needed community support to survive.
The Friends of the Webb Shadle Public Library is a nonprofit advocacy organization which supports the library. Our volunteer members advocate, educate, and raise funds on behalf of the library, its patrons, and the community.
Friends’ members donate their time to help with library programs held in conjunction with summer reading programs, monetary gifts provide prizes for participants in the library’s summer reading programs, assist library staff by providing refreshments and volunteers for adult and children’s programs throughout the year, and raise awareness and funds for library improvements like the handicap accessibility renovations.
You too, can be a part of the Friends of the Webb Shadle Public Library.
For more information contact the Webb Shadle Public Library at 515-848-5617 and ask about the Friends of the Webb Shadle Public Library meetings.