Mission Statement
The mission of the Webb Shadle Public Library is to provide materials and services to help residents of the community obtain information to meet their personal, educational, and professional needs. The library has a special mission to encourage a love of reading and learning for children and adults. It also provides a community room for use by local individuals, organizations, and non-profit groups.
Webb Shadle Public Library is designed for free access by the public to its facilities and services during regular business hours.
All persons using the library facility or services must act in a manner that does not interfere with the rights of others in their use and enjoyment of library services, or the library staff’s ability to provide services. Failure to comply with the following guidelines may result in loss of library privileges and/or removal from the library premises. Nothing in these regulations shall be deemed to preclude other civil and criminal action.
Pursuant of Section 392.5 of the Code of Iowa, the Library Board of Trustees has the authority to establish the following behavioral guidelines for behavior while on library property.
- The Library Director or designated staff shall have the responsibility for enforcing discipline within the library.
- The Library Director or designated staff will determine when behavior is inappropriate in the library.
- Response to inappropriate behavior will be immediate.
The following behaviors are prohibited on library property:
A. Behavior that endangers the safety or health of the patron and/or other patrons or staff, or disrupt staff in the provision of library services and standard operations.
B. Acts in violation of any local, state, or federal law.
C. Fighting or the physical threat of violence toward any person.
D. Vandalism or the deliberate destruction of library property.
E. Theft of Library materials, equipment, or the personal possessions of other customers or staff.
F. Deliberate disruption of Library procedures.
G. Use of threatening or abusive language.
H. Verbal or physical harassment towards other patrons or staff.
I. Exposing patrons or staff to offensive images or language.
J. Deliberate use of the Library for inappropriate purposes, such as but not limited to:
- Operating, pushing, or riding wheeled vehicles within or on library property-this includes skateboards, bicycles, roller skates/roller blades, scooters, motorized vehicles, etc. *Note: Baby strollers, library carts, equipment required by persons with disabilities and equipment used by library personnel are permitted.
- Running or tumbling. *Note: Playing and running that is a standard component of library sponsored programs is permitted.
- Allowing any child under the age of eight (8) years old to use the library unattended, without direct supervision by a parent or responsible caregiver at all times. *Note-Children attending library programs designed for independent activity are exempt. See Unattended Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy.
- Misuse, abuse, destruction, or defacement of library furniture, materials, shelving, and/or equipment.
- Talking or creating other noise at a volume disruptive to other patrons or staff. Cell phone users must respect the wishes of others who desire a quiet location to study by changing the setting on their device to a non-audible signal. Patrons using other electronic devices must use headphones and keep volume at an acceptable level (not disruptive to others). * Notes: Electronic devices which assist persons with disabilities are permitted.
- Littering anywhere on library property.
- Spitting.
- Tobacco use and vaping.
- Use of illicit drugs and use of the facility while under the influence of any controlled substance or intoxicant.
- Posting or distributing ANY printed materials without expressed permission of library management.
- Professional or unauthorized photography or filming of the library facility, staff, or patrons without expressed permission of Library management. Photography of any patron without their expressed permission, or the permission of their legal parent/guardian (minors) is prohibited.
- Sleeping activity that interferes with public use or library services, and/or depositing bedrolls or bedding on library property.
- Use of restrooms for bathing or other personal grooming.
- Failure to wear appropriate attire: Customers and staff must be fully clothed at all times, including shirt and slacks, skirt, or shorts, and shoes (for patrons over the age of 5 years).
- Bringing in large bags and luggage to the library. Staff may request that bookbags and large carriers be left at the Circulation Desk during library use.
- Maintaining bodily hygiene which is so offensive as to constitute a nuisance to other persons.
- Eating in the library, except in designated areas. Drinking is allowed, provided the liquid is in a covered container. Library authorized programming is exempt. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited except as authorized by the Library Director at Library sponsored events. *Note: Due to sanitation/safety issues, food and drink confiscated by library staff will be disposed of immediately.
- Entering designated staff areas. Staff work areas may be entered only under authorization of Library staff/management.
- Failure to leave promptly at closing time.
- Other types of behavior deemed inappropriate by the Library Director or designated staff.
A. WARNING-In most cases, customers who are behaving inappropriately within the Library will be given one (1) verbal warning and required to cease offending activity at once.
B. EXPULSION-Customers who refuse to cease inappropriate behavior after one (1) warning will be required to leave Library property immediately.
C. BANNED-Customers who refuse to cease inappropriate behavior after repeated warnings/offenses will be banned from Library property. The Library Director has the authority to ban a customer on a temporary or permanent basis.
D. POLICE-Library staff will call the police when a customer:
- Poses a danger to him/her self, the public, or staff.
- Deliberately violates the law.
- Refuses to comply with the guidelines of this and/or other library policies as requested.
- Refuses to comply with staff warnings.
- Disrupts library operations.
The acting manager on duty at the time of any incident reserves the right to ask a patron to leave the premises immediately, without a prior verbal warning, should they feel the patron’s behavior is offensive or potentially harmful to themselves or others.
Applying for a Library Card
You may become a registered borrower if you are a resident of Pleasantville, rural Marion County, or a resident of a community participating in the Open Access Program. A photo ID with a current verifiable address must be presented with your library card application. Address and phone number changes should be reported immediately. Individuals under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian present, with a valid ID, and sign the application for a library card. [back to top]
Borrowing Privileges
You are responsible for all materials checked out on your card. It is recommended that you do not lend your card to others. Borrowing privileges may be restricted due to overdue items or unpaid fines. [back to top]
Check Out Limits
Up to 4 DVDs per library card can be checked out. All other library materials may be checked out (within reason) as many items as you wish, however, you are financially responsible for those items. [back to top]
Interlibrary Loan
If the library does not own the book you need, you may request it to be borrowed from another library. The patron making the request is required to have a current library card and is responsible for any overdue fines or replacement costs charged by the lending library. An agreement form must be signed by patron before the inter-library loan item can be checked out. [back to top]
Loan Periods
Regular library books, audio books, DVDs, and cake pans may be checked out for a two week period.
Items may be renewed if no one else is waiting for that item. [back to top]
Library materials may be renewed if no one else has placed a hold on the item. This may be done in person at the library, on-line, by calling, or emailing the library. [back to top]
You may return borrowed materials at the circulation desk or in the outside drop box. [back to top]
Overdue and Lost or Damaged Items/Fines and Fees
Library materials: $.25 per item per day
Lost items or Damaged items: Borrower is responsible for the cost of the item. [back to top]
If the item you want is currently checked out, you may place a hold on the item. A staff member will notify you when the requested item is available. [back to top]
The Library will not remove specific titles solely because the individuals or groups may find them objectionable. All material shall be judged as a whole. No work shall be judged for exclusion by taking single passages out of context and basing condemnation of that book on such lifted passages. [back to top]
Collection Maintenance:
The weeding of library materials is a continual process and one that is essential to maintain a quality collection. Material no longer deemed useful in the library will be disposed of according to accepted professional practices at the discretion of the Library Director.
Specifics considered in the weeding process.
- Outdated or inaccurate information
- Any materials which are badly worn, damaged, stained, or soiled
- Materials no longer in demand
- Duplicate copies
- Space limitations
The Library Director retains the right to dispose of all duplicate or unneeded materials.
Discarded materials become surplus property and may be given to and then sold by the Friends of the Library for fund-raising purposes to benefit the library. [back to top]
Donations of Library Materials.
The Webb Shadle Public Library accepts gifts of books and donations. Gifts are accepted by the donor with the full understanding that all gifts become the property of the library. The library reserves the right to dispense gifts in any manner that it deems appropriate. Donations which are not placed in the collection may be given to and then sold by the Friends of the Library for fund-raising purposes to benefit the library.
The library does not appraise the value of donated material for tax purposes. A receipt clarifying the number of items given may be provided upon request to the donor.
The library does accept donations to purchase books, materials, furniture, or to make improvements. In honor or memorial of individuals. The library director will work with the donor to purchase materials which are meaningful to the family and the donor. A memorial book plate will be placed in the materials in their honor. A note will be sent to the family of the individual, upon request. [back to top]
Purpose of the Collection:
The Webb Shadle Public Library strives to provide books and other library materials of value and interest for information and enlightenment for all people in the community. The library attempts to maintain a collection of carefully selected representative book and non-book materials that are both of current interest and permanent value. The library will strive to provide items of interest for patrons of all ages. [back to top]
Request for Reconsiderations of Selections
Any person at least eighteen (18) years of age, a registered patron of the library, and a resident of the Pleasantville Public School District who objects to specific books or other library materials in the collection is requested to submit a “material reconsideration form”.
Material will remain in circulation during the reconsideration process.
- This form must be completed in full, signed by the person challenging the material, and forwarded to the Library Director for review.
- The person must have read, viewed, or listened to the material in its entirety.
Patrons who wish to initiate comments or complaints will receive copies of the:
- Library Bill of Rights
- Freedom to Read
- Freedom to View
- Collection Development Policy
The library director will go over these materials with the patron. The process of registering complaints is designed to make sure the selection was appropriate and informs the patron about the criteria used.
The patron is welcome to attend the meeting of the Library Board. The decision of the board on the material is final. [back to top]
The Library Board delegates the selection and acquisition of library materials to the Library Director and, at the discretion of the director, staff who are qualified by education and/or experience. All staff members are encouraged to recommend materials needed in particular areas of the Library, and to make note of subjects requested by patrons but not held by the library. Recommendations for the addition of materials from citizens of the community are encouraged. Serious suggestions will be considered carefully and an effort made to include worthwhile titles which are deemed appropriate. When, in the opinion of the Director, the material requested is of limited appeal, interlibrary loan will be suggested instead of purchasing the material. [back to top]
The following factors will be determinants in the selection of materials to be added to the Library’s collections:
- An attempt will be made to maintain an appropriate balance between books of temporary, current popularity and those which are timeless and of classic value.
- The overall value of material as an individual work and its value to the collection as a whole.
- Factual accuracy and/or objectiveness of non-fiction materials.
- Relationship to existing collection in the same subject field.
- Local history and materials of specific interest to the Pleasantville community will be given special consideration.
- Community needs and/or requests.
- Price and/or availability.
- Whenever possible, objective reviews in reliable sources will be consulted before purchasing materials.
The selection of sources for the purchase of library materials shall be left to the discretion of the Library Director or to the person(s) designated to be in charge of acquisitions.
All regulations governing the purchase of materials and services shall be in compliance with policies adopted by the City of Pleasantville. [back to top]
The Board of Trustees of the Webb Shadle Public Library recognizes the responsibility to protect the privacy of library users. Confidentiality is essential to protect the exercise of patrons’ First Amendment Rights.
This policy is meant to protect the privacy of library users while complying with the Constitution of the United States of America, federal statutes, and the code of Iowa.
Iowa Code 22.7, number 13, 14, and 18 speak specifically to library record privacy.
22.7 Confidential Records:
The following public records shall be kept confidential, unless otherwise ordered
by a court, by the lawful custodian of the records, or by another person duly
authorized to release such information:
13. The records of a library which, by themselves or when examined with other
public records, would reveal the identity of the library patron checking out or
requesting an item or information from the library. The records shall be released to
a criminal or juvenile justice agency only pursuant to an investigation of a
particular person or organization suspected of committing a known crime. The
records shall be released only upon a judicial determination that a rational
connection exists between the requested release of information and a legitimate
end and that the need for the information is cogent and compelling.
14. The material of a library, museum or archive which has been contributed by a
private person to the extent of any limitation that is a condition of the contribution.
18. Communications not required by law, rule, or procedure that are made to a
government body or to any of its employees by identified persons outside of
government, to the extent that the government body receiving those
communications from such persons outside of government could reasonably
believe that those persons would be discouraged from making them to that
government body if they were available for general public examination.
Notwithstanding this provision:
In keeping with the protections afforded by the Constitution of the United States of America, federal statutes and the code of Iowa, the Webb Shadle Public Library shall hold confidential:
- a. Information sought or received and materials consulted, borrowed, or acquired, database search records, reference interviews, interlibrary loan records, computer use records, and all other personally identifiable uses of library materials, facilities, or services.
- b. The names of card holders and their registration information and not provide access for private, public, or commercials use.
In keeping with the above statements, the following shall be policy for Webb Shadle Public Library records:
- The Library Director is designated as the lawful custodian of records and the City Attorney is the legal counsel. Every effort shall be made to reach the Director if court orders are to be served, whether the Director is present in the building or not. In the Director’s absence, the President of the Board is duly authorized to release confidential library records.
- Webb Shadle Public Library registration records and circulation records shall be kept confidential.
- If there is reasonable basis to believe library registration records are necessary to the progress of an investigation or prosecution, the request for such records including the justification for the request, shall be made to the Director, in writing on official letterhead by an official of the investigation or prosecution workforce, who has provided necessary identification.
- If there is reasonable basis to believe library circulation records are necessary to the progress of an investigation or prosecution, the judicial system provides the mechanism for seeking release of such confidential records: The issuance of a court order, following a showing of good cause based on specific facts, by a court of competent jurisdiction. Such court orders shall be presented to the library Director.
- Circulation and registration records shall not be made available to any agency or local, state, or federal government except pursuant to such process, order of subpoena as may be authorized of, and pursuant to local, state, and federal law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigative power.
- The issuance or enforcement of any such process, order, or subpoena shall be examined by the library Director in consultation with legal counsel and resisted until such time a proper showing of good cause has been made in a court of competent jurisdiction.
- Family accounts are available to those who request them. The library will release information to the parent or guardian of a minor child on the family accounts, for the purpose of recovering overdue materials and settling accounts for lost, late, or damaged material, and for other matters, related to the recovery of material or charges incurred by minor children for which a parent or guardian may be considered liable. However, information will not be provided to the parent or guardian who is merely attempting to determine what library materials a minor child is using. [back to top]
The East Room/Kitchenette of the library is available to rent on a first-come, first-serve basis. The cleaning checklist must be fulfilled after every event.
- A Rental Agreement form must be filled out and signed by all renters.
- Rental for events that are not-for-profit and/or educational in nature will not incur a charge in most cases (organizational meetings, educational programs, etc.).
- Ongoing (week-to-week/month-to-month) events that land in this category will require library board approval and may be subject to a fee.
- The cleaning checklist must be fulfilled at the end of the event regardless of whether a deposit is paid.
3. Private parties (birthdays, graduations, showers, reunions, etc.) will be charged $50/day, plus a refundable damage deposit of $50. The fee is due prior to or upon receiving the keys.
4. An inspection of the East Room, outside grounds, fixtures, and restroom facilities will be made by a representative of the building prior to and after rental. The representative’s inspection and assessment will be conclusive. This is to determine damage, missing furnishing, cleaning requirements, etc. to the premises.
5. The damage deposit will be adjusted to repair/correct any problems as outlined in item #4. Balance of deposit, full or partial, will be available to pick up after inspection, typically 1-3 business days after the event. If the renter does not wish to return to the library for the deposit, the deposit will be mailed to the renter’s address. In the event that the damage deposit is insufficient, the renter agrees to pay the amount to repair said damages in excess of the deposit.
6. Parties may request an exemption from the deposit and/or rental fee by filling out a Rental Fee Exemption Request Form for the library board to review.
7. Exemption/Approval requests will be assessed at regular library board meetings, typically held the first Tuesday of the month. If an assessment must be made prior to a board meeting, the library director may contact an officer of the board, and the officer may solely determine the outcome. [back to top]
The Library Director will keep a confidential file of information on problem incidents in which a Contact Form has been filed. The purpose of this file is to track any serious problems that are reported by the staff. It will be used to document incidents and to track problems of a recurring nature.
Unlawful Use of Library Computers
The Library prohibits any unlawful use of the Internet by staff or patrons. Those who engage in unlawful use of the Internet may lead to the suspension or revocation of Internet access through the library. [back to top]
Using Library Computers
The library’s public computers are available to any user who visits the library, free of charge.
Computers are available on a first-come, first-serve basis and are not reserved in advance.
The library reserves the right to limit computer time at peak hours. Thirty-minute time slots may be enforced if the demand is greater than the number of computers available.
A flash drive may be used to save information from a computer. The library is not responsible for any damage to flash drives when used in library computers. Files saved to the computer’s drives will be erased.
The Library makes every effort to provide a stable and effective Internet service for its customers. However, the Internet user may encounter closed or restricted databases and resources for which the library accepts no responsibilities. The Webb Shadle Public Library’s Internet connection may be temporarily closed down for maintenance or due to technical difficulties beyond the Library’s control.
Each user is responsible for complying with copyright law and adhering to software licensing agreements, as well as all local, state, and federal laws including, but not limited to, those concerning fraud, privacy, or obscenity.
Patrons are expected to use library computers in a responsible and courteous manner. Computers are located in public areas and shared by people of all ages and backgrounds. Be considerate and respectful of other library patrons and especially mindful of children in the library. Disruptive behavior or misuse of the computer may result in suspension or loss of computer privileges. Children under the age of 8 years old must be supervised by adults.
Any restriction of a child’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian. The Webb Shadle Public Library cannot act as a censor or substitute parent. It is the responsibility of the parents to provide the oversight to ensure their children’s use of the Internet in a safe and appropriate manner.
Since the Internet is a global electronic network, the Webb Shadle Public Library has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. The Internet and its available resources may contain material of a controversial nature. The library is not responsible for the availability or accuracy of information accessed from remote network sites. [back to top]
Library employees are subject to the personnel practices and regulations of the City of Pleasantville as outlined in its Employee Handbook. A copy of the Employee Handbook is located at the front desk of the library. A copy is available for each library employee. [back to top]
The Pleasantville Public Library Board of Trustees values public input and endeavors to create an atmosphere where board members and members of the public can attend to business efficiently and fairly with full participation. Members of the public have the right to attend library board meetings, subject to certain conditions and limitations. The meeting space will, to the extent possible, be arranged so that all interested persons can observe the meeting and hear all discussions and votes. All board members, city staff, and members of the public should speak one at a time in a civil and courteous manner, in order to be heard by all persons in attendance.
All cell phones and other communication devices should be silenced during library board meetings. No one should take a voice phone call during a meeting without first leaving the chambers and closing the doors behind them.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Public comment is allowed during the “Community Comment” portion of the agenda. It is the responsibility of the Board President, Board members, Library staff, and members of the public to maintain an atmosphere of respect throughout the meeting. The board will not respond at this meeting to questions, requests for information, or requests for action. An appropriate response may be made later, after board members have sufficient opportunity to consider and deliberate on the issue. Individuals wishing to address the board must have signed in at least five minutes prior to the start of the board meeting. An individual must list their name, home address, and topic to be discussed. Each speaker will be allowed a maximum of three (3) minutes to address the board until the allotted time is up. Public Comment period should last no longer than 20 minutes. The board president of chair of the meeting will call on those persons one at a time to stand and address the board for no more than the allocated time. Upon recognition by the board president or presiding officer, the individual should state their full name, home address, and the reason for wishing to speak. Should the number of speaker requests exceed the allotted time in the meeting, the Board President or chair of the meeting may limit speakers to two (2) minutes to accommodate a s many voices as possible. Requests for time to speak will usually be grated in the order the requests were received. Priority will be given to residents of hte library taxing district. Speakers may not yield their time to another individual as to allow someone more than the allotted time. To avoid repetition, speakers supporting or opposing the same issue are encouraged to designate a spokesman and have the spokesperson request that members of the audience supporting the position stand during the presentation. It is possible that not all persons requesting time will be allowed to speak. Anyone not allowed to speak will be considered signed in for the next board meeting. Constituents will not be allowed to comment during other portions of the board meeting unless comments are specifically requested by the board. The presiding officer may terminate a speaker’s privilege to speak if, after being called to order, the speaker acts in a manner that is discourteous or disruptive.
Social media provides a valuable, timely, and efficient way for the Webb Shadle Public Library to disseminate information about and promote library news, events, resources, and services. It also serves to inspire conversation and expand the Library’s connection with the community. The Webb Shadle Public Library regards Social Media as equally important as any other venue for the dissemination of library information.
Definition of Social Media
Social media is defined as a website or application where creative and informational content is created and shared to allow users to participate in social networking. The Webb Shadle Public Library utilized and monitors accounts on Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), Linktree, and Google Business.
Usage Rules
The Webb Shadle Public Library welcomes the comments, posts, and messages of the community and recognizes and respects differences in opinion. However, all comments, posts, and messages will be regularly reviewed and the Webb Shadle Public Library reserves the right to, but is not required to, remove any comment, post, or message that it deems inappropriate or off-topic.
The Webb Shadle Public Library is not responsible for or liable for any content posted by any participant in a Library social media forum who is not a member of the Library’s staff or a current Library Volunteer working on their social media presence.
Users should have no expectation of privacy in postings on Library sponsored social media sites. By using such sites, you consent to the Library’s right to access, monitor, and read any postings on those sites. Users must understand that social media is permanent, retrievable, and public. Messages can potentially be read by anyone once posted, regardless of status on Friends, Followers, or Subscribers Lists. The Library recommends that users do not post their personal information or contact information on social media sites.
The Library reserves the right to reproduce comments, posts, and messages in other public venues; such reproduction may be edited for space or content while retaining the original intent of the post.
Content containing any of the following will be removed immediately from any Webb Shadle Public Library social media forum:
- Obscene content or hate speech
- Personal attacks, insults, or threatening language
- Private or personal information, including phone numbers and addresses, or requests for personal information
- Potentially libelous statements
- Falsification of identity
- Plagiarized material
- Comments, links, or information unrelated to the purpose of the forum
- Spam or other commercial, political, or religious messages unrelated to the Library or its social media postings
- Solicitation of funds
- Any images, links, or other content that falls into the above categories
The Library reserves the right to ban or block users who have posted in violation of this policy. Repeated violations of this policy will culminate in commenters being blocked. Any threatening comments or messages may be forwarded to local authorities.
In addition, users are expected to abide by the terms and conditions set by third party social media platforms as well as follow appropriate Federal and State Law.
The Library asks that individual user complaints be addressed directly to the Library Staff so they can be addressed quickly specifically. Social Media is not the mechanism used by the Library to document or address Library user problems and concerns, or influence Library policy, procedures, or programs. All complaints must be emailed to webbshadle@pleasantville.lib.ia.us and will be forwarded accordingly.
Tables and chairs are not available for check out.
Library patrons are encouraged to practice appropriate cell phone etiquette when using their personal cell phones in the library. This includes setting their cell phones to vibrate and refraining from carrying on extended conversations in close proximity to other patrons who are utilizing the library. The library staff does reserve the right to ask patrons to take cell phone conversations outside of the library facilities if it is deemed that such conversations are having a disruptive effect.
Telephones located in the library are business phones. Messages may be accepted and communicated to the patron. The library phone usage is for emergency purposes only or at the librarian’s discretion. In an effort to keep library phone lines available for incoming calls, there is a limit of one call per day, five minute maximum. The library phone must remain at the circulation desk during usage.
The library board and staff of the Webb Shadle Public Library are concerned for the safety and care of all children and vulnerable adults who utilize the library unattended by a parent, guardian, or caregiver. The staff are not responsible for supervision or childcare of the library patrons. This includes both during operating hours and after hours for patrons of any age.
It is the responsibility of the parents, guardians, and caregivers to:
- Stay at the library and engage in direct, continuous supervision (withing eyesight) of children 10 years of age and younger or ensure they have a sufficiently responsible caregiver of at least 14 years of age. Children between ages 7-10 years may attend programs without a caregiver, but the caregiver is expected to remain in the building and reunite with the child immediately following the conclusion of the program. Caregiver must also be readily available in case an issue should arise.
- Ensure that vulnerable adults receive the supervision and healthcare necessary to be safe while visiting the library.
- Cooperate with the library staff in any patron in their care is disrupting, interfering, or endangering others.
- Provide transportation for those in their care upon closing of the library.
The library board respects the rights and privacy of all library patrons. Library staff will only intervene if children are left untended and problems of safety, disruptive behavior, or well-being of others occurs.
If a child or vulnerable adult is left unattended and the above things mentioned occur, staff will locate the person responsible for them and review the expectations for supervision at Webb Shadle Public Library. If staff cannot locate the caregiver in the building, police will be called to assume responsibility for the child or vulnerable adult. Likewise, if a child or vulnerable adult is left unattended when the library is closing, staff will contact police to assume responsibility for them. If a child or a vulnerable adult is repeatedly in the library without a caregiver, staff may forgo calling a parent or guardian and immediately contact the police.
In effort to provide the highest quality services to its patrons, the Webb Shadle Public Library will make every reasonable effort to be open as scheduled. However, in the event of extreme weather conditions, prolonged power outages, and other unexpected circumstances, the library may close or delay opening.
The Library Director, in consultation with the board President, will make decisions on closings. In the event the Director is not available, the person in charge will contact the board president to make the decision to close. When making decisions to close the following will be considered: weather forecasts, road conditions, area closings, travel advisories, and staff availability.
When an unscheduled closing occurs, the library shall make a reasonable effort to post notice on the front door and update the website and social media accounts with information regarding the unscheduled closure. Scheduled staff and volunteers shall be notified of the closing as soon as possible. [back to top]
- It is the policy of the Webb Shadle Public Library to promote and encourage community-minded people to serve as volunteers. Volunteers’ diverse skills and expertise enhance and augment paid library staff to provide the best possible service to the public which is serves. The use of volunteers is to provide adequate staffing and enhance library services while making the best use of fiscal resources and furthering the library’s mission of promoting community and intellectual diversity.
- The library director, board of trustees shall recruit library volunteers to augment, not replace, paid staff in the enhancement of library services and programs.
- Volunteers will be coordinated by the director of designee. The Library Director is authorized to create and amend procedures to implement and support this policy.
- Volunteers will submit a Library Volunteer Application Form which will be kept on file. Applicants may be subject to reference checks and review of the sex offender registry. The Library does not guarantee the placement of all applicants and reserves the right to refuse an applicant. Parental signatures will be required for all applicants under the age of 18 years old. Children under the age of 14 are not allowed.
- Volunteers are expected to adhere to the regular work rules and policies of the library. Depending on assignment, volunteers may be in a position to observe personal information or literature choices of patrons. Volunteers will respect the privacy of all patrons and shall not discuss any information with anyone other than paid Library staff.
- Record of individual and total volunteer hours will be maintained to assist the board in publicly recognizing those individuals annually and evaluating library activities.
- Volunteers are not covered by Workers Compensation insurance.
- Volunteers are considered “at will” volunteer employees and the Library reserves the right to terminate a volunteer’s working association with the Library at any time, for any reason. [back to top]
Contact the Library
Webb Shadle Public Library
301 W. Dallas, Box 338
Pleasantville, IA 50225
Phone: 515-848-5617
Fax: 515-481-9078
Director: JoEllen Glick
Email: hello@webbshadle.org
Library Hours
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.; 1 to 5 p.m.
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.; 1 to 5 p.m.
10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.; 1 to 5 p.m.
9 a.m. to 12 p.m.